EP081 - The Simple Life with Gary Collins
Gary Collins from thesimplelifenow.com joins me on this episode as we talk about how we can all live a better and more simple life by following his principles of the ''3 legged stool'' of success....
View ArticleEP082 - My biggest failure
Recently I was being interviewed on another podcast where the question came up, ''Myles, what do you think was your biggest failure?''. After contemplation, I've come up with the true answer, what it...
View ArticleEP083 - Handling transitions
We all go through transitions during our lives. Whether it is going to college for the first time (either as a student or as the parents of the student), moving out of the house into our first place,...
View ArticleEP084 - Expense Compartmentalization
A technique I have used for years that has helped me become unconstrained is to compartmentalize my expenses. In this episode I will explain what this means, how to use it to your advantage and the...
View ArticleEP085 - Don't be rich
We live in a time where out of control government spending and tax policy reminds me of growing up in business in the 1980s in Australia when taxes were mega high, interest rates over 20% for a home...
View ArticleEP086 - The difficult discussion about Life Expectancy
At whatever stage one is at in ones life, knowing that we all have an expiration date is a constant consideration in all things that we do. Yet few of us actually see the forest for the trees in our...
View ArticleEP087 - Fight back against debt
In a world of bankers who wish to enslave you from the ripe old age of 18 until the day you die, theres a time when we have to say enough is enough. On this episode I sit down with Garrett Charity,...
View ArticleEP088 - Straddle the line - Escaping our dystopian system
Theres a fine line between wholesale embracement of a failing system, and the extreme decision to escape it. Much like mainstream thinking vs. conspiracy, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. In...
View ArticleEP089 - Parallel Societies with Paul Rosenberg
In this episode I talk with writer, philosopher & cryptographer Paul Rosenberg about the current state of the western world, history of the fall of empires and how a common theme in most was the...
View ArticleEP090 - You don't own things - things own you
The fallacy of The one with the most toys, wins is one of the worst betrayals to be executed on the human being. We are constantly challenged by social mantra to spend more, support the economy, buy...
View ArticleEP091 - Give yourself permission to be unconstrained
Recently I've been seeing the direct contrast of how we live our lives to be unconstrained and our friends who dont. In this episode I want to explore mindset. It is one thing to WANT to be...
View ArticleEP092 - Your right to privacy
There are so many resources available that explain techniques you can adopt that respect your privacy, however few put in context why this is a mandatory requirement of the unconstrained, and why you...
View ArticleEP093 - Be your own bank
In this episode, I sit down with my accountant, Scott Rulon, and we discuss the viability of what is called ''Infinite Banking Concept'' (IBC) and whether it is a solution to regaining control of your...
View ArticleEP094 - The frog and the pot of boiling water
In this special podcast episode, Im recording this from the rooftop of a condo in the beautiful town of San Miguel de Allende, in the heart of Mexico. I came here to explore life outside of the United...
View ArticleEP095 - All things in balance
For many years, Ive been seeking out the right balance of financial investments that support an unconstrained lifestyle. Something that keeps things in order, and doesnt become a burden to those...
View ArticleEP096 - The true power of frugality
We have a lot of arguments in todays society. Arguments over politics, ideology, methodology, etc. But the one thing you cant argue is math. And when math tells you the truth of how to live a rich...
View ArticleEP097 - Let's talk money w/ Mike from RethinkingTheDollar.com
In this episode I am joined by my friend Mike from over at Rethinkingthedollar.com as we discuss how we both came to our conclusions about money, the economy, why things are the way they are and what...
View ArticleEP098 - Finding your purpose
I honestly believe that to be unconstrained requires you to succeed in three things - finance, health and purpose. Yet the hardest of these three things is to find purpose in your life. I cant tell you...
View ArticleEP099 - Safely leaving the workforce
First, let me say this. I hate the word retirement. I think our social mantra of working for 40 years has turned the act of choosing not to be employed to be misunderstood, and the term retirement has...
View ArticleEP100 - The state of the union of the unconstrained
Holy cow! 100 episodes already. That went by fast. But although this might be a milestone in our show, I'm not celebrating yet. Because there is so much to do. But in this episode, we'll cover how the...
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